Best Nicotine Gum & Patch to Quit Smoking in UAE [2021]
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Quitting smoking can be extremely daunting since your body is totally dependent upon the nicotine in tobacco. HOLD ON! The best nicotine gum & patch available in UAE, can help you give up smoking for good. Brands such as Nicorette, Cipla, NicoDerm, and Habitrol have proved to be efficient and effective stop smoking aids. These nicotine gums and patches reduce unpleasant withdrawal symptoms such as cravings, irritation, difficulty in concentration, and anxiety which in turn help you stick to your goal with ease. Moreover, these are specially formulated, so as you use one of these, nicotine is gradually absorbed into your body. In other words, it replaces the nicotine that your body used to get from tobacco.

Whether to opt for nicotine gum or nicotine patch depends on your personal preference and which fits in with your lifestyle. Don’t forget, the severity of COVID-19 is higher among smokers. Smoking makes it cumbersome for the human body to fight off respiratory disease as it impairs the lungs. Thus, quitting smoking improves your lung function. Not only will your lungs get better but quitting smoking also reduces your blood pressure and increases circulation. Read further to know more.
Quick List – Best Nicotine Gums
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Quick List – Best Nicotine Patches
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Nicotine Gums Vs Patch
Nicotine Gums and Nicotine Patches are 2 of the most popular methods of Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT). Although nicotine gum and nicotine patch make use of therapeutic nicotine to wean you off of cigarettes. Note that the way or the method in which it delivers it is different. Now, which method to opt for totally depends on your lifestyle and your preference. To keep you well informed, we have put forth some of the advantages of both nicotine gum as well as nicotine patch. Ensure you read them all.
Benefits of Nicotine Gum
First and foremost, it enables you to control your nicotine intake by providing a steady dose of nicotine throughout the day. Thus, aiding you in managing your cravings. When used as directed, this doubles your chance of success. Secondly, you have to use it throughout the day. This chewing mechanism distracts your mind away from cigarettes as it keeps your mouth busy so you won’t find the urge to smoke or vape and provides you relief.
Last but not the least, it is a portable option of nicotine replacement. Hence, you can carry it along with you and utilize another gum piece when you start craving/getting the urge to smoke. In other words, you can utilize it wherever and whenever you need to. For instance, you can use it when you get the urge to smoke while driving or a night out with friends. Instead of smoking a cigarette, you can chew nicotine gum.
Benefits of Nicotine Patch
The biggest advantage of a nicotine patch is that it is unnoticeable when worn under your clothes. So, all those who want to “quit smoking privately” should opt for a nicotine patch. Secondly, all you need to do is apply the patch in the morning once you wake up and then wear it throughout the day. That too just once a day as once patch helps in relieving cravings all day by regulating your nicotine intake. And remove it before going to bed. Lastly, it is a low maintenance solution.
Best Nicotine Gum in UAE
Rank 1: Nicorette Fresh Mint Chewing Gum

- Relieves Tough Nicotine Cravings: Nicorette fresh mint chewing gum helps you actively fight back against tough nicotine cravings. Yes, when you’re in the process of quitting smoking, it relieves symptoms and reduces your cravings which
- Ideal For: This stop smoking aid comprises 210 pieces of mint flavour chewing gum. Moreover, it is ideal for people who smoke more than 20 cigarettes per day. Each chewing gum contains 4mg nicotine and is sugar-free.
- Safer Alternative: By helping people cut down the number of cigarettes they smoke, it is not only a safer alternative for the individual but also for those around them.
- Warning: Please do not exceed the recommended dose. Simply chew one piece when you’re getting the urge to smoke. Note that you should never smoke more than 15 pieces per day. Only adults and children above 12 years of age can consume this.
- Indications: Ensure you go through the Nicorette chewing technique.
- Firstly, you need to chew the gum slowly until the taste gets strong.
- Once the taste is strong, rest this chewing gum between your mouth’s jaw and cheek. By doing this, your mouth’s lining absorbs the nicotine.
- Next, start chewing the gum again once the taste has faded. Do this until the taste becomes strong once again.
- Continue repeating steps 2 and 3 for about 30 minutes.
- Price: Grab this Nicorette Fresh Mint Chewing Gum for an estimated cost of AED 210.
Rank 2: Cipla Nicotex Nicotine Gum

- Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT): Nicotex is a nicotine gum that helps in quitting smoking by using the principle of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT). NRT is a clinically proven therapy to quit smoking.
- No.1 Doctor Recommended Brand: Cipla Nicotex Nicotine Gum is the Number 1 Doctor recommended brand in India in the NRT category.
- 12 Week Therapy Program: Now, you can easily quit smoking in 12 weeks. This pack comprises 9 sugar-free gums (mint plus flavour). Each gum contains 2mg nicotine.
- Benefits: By helping you reduce your nicotine intake gradually, this Nicotex Nicotine gum helps you live a normal life. Thus, with time, you stop depending on nicotine.
- Price: Cipla Nicotex Nicotine Gum is available approximately for AED 90.
Rank 3: Nicorette Gum Nicotine Fresh Fruit Flavour

- Contents: This pack contains 210 pieces of nicotine-based gum. Each piece contains 4mg of nicotine with fresh fruit flavour that tastes great. Moreover, it is sucrose-free.
- Reduces Withdrawal Symptoms: The Nicorette gum works rapidly to relieve your cravings for smoking as well as your withdrawal symptoms. This, in turn, helps you to quit smoking.
- Ideal For: It is meant for those people who smoke more than 25 cigarettes a day.
- Appropriate Use: Whenever you feel the urge to smoke, simply chew a piece of this Nicorette gum. Ensure you don’t chew more than 20 pieces a day.
- Willpower: By using it correctly, you are 2 times more likely to quit smoking. In other words, it can double your chances of quitting smoking versus willpower alone.
- Actively Fights Withdrawal Symptoms: The 7 withdrawal symptoms that the Nicorette gum fights are anxiety, increased appetite, cravings, poor concentration, low mood, irritability, and restlessness.
- Price: Get this Nicorette Gum Nicotine Fresh Fruit flavour for an estimated cost of AED 300.
Rank 4: Habitrol Nicotine Gum

- Composition: Habitrol chewing gum contains 2mg of nicotine in the form of nicotine resin chewing gum. The pack comprises a total of 384 pieces and is 100% sugar-free.
- Form: These gums pieces are coated with mint for an intense flavour. Additionally, these are white to off-white in colour and are rectangular in shape.
- Aid to Smoking Cessation: When you’re too dependent on nicotine and can’t do without it. That is when it is time to start using the Habitrol chewing gum as it relieves you of nicotine withdrawal symptoms.
- Ideal For: This is meant for individuals who smoke less than 20 cigarettes a day. Habitrol chewing gum is a must for those who are unable to quit smoking completely because of their constant urge towards nicotine.
- Warning: Firstly, children below 12 years of age can’t use this. Secondly, only one piece of gum should be used per hour. When you feel like smoking, simply grab a piece of gum and chew it. Generally, you should chew only 8-12 pieces of gum per day. The maximum would be 20 per day.
- Instructions: Firstly, chew 1 piece of gum till the taste gets stronger. Next, rest the gum in your mouth between the gum and the cheek. Once the taste fades, resume chewing. Lastly, repeat the chewing routine for 30 minutes.
- Price: Habitrol Nicotine Gum is available for a price of around AED 360.
Best Nicotine Patch in UAE
Rank 1: NicoDerm CQ Nicotine Patches

- Extended-Release SmartControl Technology: All thanks to this technology. These Step 1 NicoDerm CQ Nicotine patches deliver a steady flow of therapeutic nicotine throughout the day. Thus, making it one of the best stop smoking aid available in UAE.
- Number of Patches and Strength: This pack is a 2-week kit and contains 14 nicotine patches. Each nicotine patch contains 21mg of nicotine delivered over 24 hours.
- Ideal For: This smoking cessation product is ideal for all those who smoke more than 10 cigarettes a day.
- Benefits: A low maintenance way which aids in preventing the urge to smoke. It relieves nicotine withdrawal symptoms and cigarette cravings.
- Easy to Use: These nicotine patches are not only easy to apply but also ensure that the nicotine won’t run out too soon. Additionally, it also ensures that all the nicotine won’t be delivered all at once.
- HSA and FSA Eligible Product: NicoDerm CQ Nicotine patches are eligible with a Health Savings Account (HSA) and Flexible Savings Account (FSA).
- Price: Purchase the NicoDerm CQ Nicotine patches for an estimated cost of AED 260.

- Proven and Effective Method: Habitrol Nicotine Patches is an effective and proven method to help you quit smoking. Moreover, it is an excellent Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT).
- Number of Patches and Strength: This Step 2 pack comprises 28 nicotine patches. When you apply the nicotine patch to your skin, it delivers a steady dose of 14mg of nicotine for 24 hours. Gradually, the individual needs to reduce the dose until he/she doesn’t crave for nicotine anymore.
- Ideal For: This stop smoking program is ideal for all those who smoke more than 10 cigarettes per day.
- How to Apply: Firstly, you need to make use of only one nicotine patch per day. Secondly, you should apply the patch to an area on the upper body or upper outer arm which is non-hairy, non-irritated, clean, intact, and dry.
- Price: Habitrol Nicotine Patches Step 2 Super Value Bulk Pack is available for approximately AED 210.
Rank 3: Volwco Stop Smoking Anti Smoke Patch

- Benefits: This anti-smoke patch consists of liquorice and natural tobacco extract which in turn relieves the smoker from his/her physical and psychological dependence to cigarettes. Thus, smokers will gradually find it easy and efficient to reduce the number of cigarettes they smoke per day and then finally quit smoking.
- Ideal Skin Areas to Apply Patch: You can apply the nicotine patch mainly on your wrist, arm, chest. And also on your thigh, hips, shoulder blade, and trunk.
- Pure Natural Plant Extract: Volwco Anti Smoke patch contains pure and natural plant extracts such as menthol, natural tobacco, cloves. As well as chrysanthemum and Codonopsis Pilosula. These are green and healthy.
- 100% Natural and Herbal: All the ingredients are 100% healthy, natural and herbal. Therefore, these are free from any sort of unhealthy items, artificial supplement and have no side effects.
- Number of Patches: This anti-smoke patch package consists of 35 nicotine patch pieces (total 7 bags, 5 patches in each bag).
- Usage: Firstly, you need to clean and dry the skin properly. Next, you need to remove the anti-adhesion protection membrane.
- Further, apply the nicotine patch to a clean area on your body. Specifically the upper part of your body like your chest, else your wrist or arm.
- Every morning you wake up, apply a fresh piece. Avoid leaving it on your body at night. Wear it only during the day. Also, during the day, apply a new patch every 4 hours.
- Dosage: First and foremost, choose the accurate position. Generally, it starts its job after half an hour of applying it. As the initial dosage, use the nicotine patch for about 3 days. Once you find the situation stable, gradually decrease the dosage. When you don’t get the urge to smoke anymore, it is time to stop using it.
- Price: Volwco Stop Smoking Anti Smoke Patch is available approximately for AED 120.
Side Effects – Nicotine Gums Vs Nicotine Patches
You may experience one or more of these side effects while using nicotine gum and patches. If the side effects persist, then consult your doctor.
Nicotine Gum Side Effects | Nicotine Patch Side Effects |
Mouth ulcers | Headaches |
Nausea | Itching/Skin Irritation/Redness of Skin |
Headaches | Dizziness |
Dizziness | Increased Heart Rate and Blood Pressure |
Aching of the Jaw Muscles | Vivid Dreams (Rare) |
Trouble in Breathing | Nausea |
Seizure | Allergy such as Rash or Swelling, |
Rash | Hives |
Irregular Heart Beat/Increased Heart Rate | Difficulty in Breathing |
FAQs on Nicotine Gum and Nicotine Patch
Nicotine gum is a medicated chewing gum that delivers an oral dose of nicotine. Being a scientifically tested product, it is very effective for those who want to quit smoking for good. It is an over-the-counter (OTC). The purpose or benefit of chewing Nicotine gum is to replace the Nicotine that smokers desire from tobacco products and cigarettes. Although nicotine gum contains nicotine which is the chemical responsible for addiction to cigarettes. It doesn’t include any of the other substances. Moreover, it is also sugar-free.
When chain smokers and those who smoke often want to quit smoking completely, but find themselves unable to do so should use Nicotine gum. Nicotine gum is definitely going to help all the nicotine addicts on their journey of quitting smoking or reducing the number of cigarettes that they smoke. Besides Nicotine gum, the other Nicotine replacement therapy products include patches, lozenges and more. These are equal in terms of their effect. That being said, Nicotine gum proves to be more effective since it provides immediate relief from your symptoms when you get sudden cravings.
When you stop smoking, for some time you keep remembering the cigarettes. This results in an oral fixation. Chewing Nicotine gum satisfies this oral fixation by distracting you. NOTE that before you begin the Nicotine Gum therapy, you should seek medical advice to confirm whether it will suit you or not. Additionally, also to ensure that Nicotine gum doesn’t compromise on your health conditions if any. Moreover, you also need to inform your doctor about all the medicines that you take, even vitamin supplements and non-prescription products.
It is extremely crucial for pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding to consult their doctor before using Nicotine gum to check and confirm if it will have any adverse side effects on the baby. Similarly, this also implies to women who conceive during the Nicotine gum therapy.
You need to chew Nicotine gum by following a technique. Following this technique is necessary for a complete and steady release of nicotine. Firstly, before you use Nicotine gum, ensure you wait for at least 15 minutes to half an hour after you eat or drink something. Place the Nicotine gum in your mouth and slowly chew it. Once you sense a tingle, pepper taste in your mouth or find the taste strong, stop chewing the Nicotine gum and place it between your cheek and jaw. When this strong taste starts fading, begin chewing it again. Repeat this cycle for about 30 minutes.
After 30 minutes, you will notice that chewing the Nicotine gum doesn’t produce any strong flavour or tingling sensation anymore. This indicates that all the Nicotine has been released. Ensure you don’t swallow the gum. Also, NEVER chew more than 1 piece at a time. Moreover, you can chew only up to 1 piece of gum per hour and restrict it to a MAXIMUM of 20 pieces per day. Suppose you miss a dose, never use 2 pieces of gum to make up for the missed dose. You may use a piece of gum as soon as you realise or you can wait until the next dose is due.
As you know Nicotine gums are available in two strengths; 2mg and 4mg. Those who smoke less than 25 cigarettes a day should purchase Nicotine gums containing 2mg Nicotine and those who smoke more than 25 cigarettes a day should opt for the 4mg Nicotine gum.
First and foremost, you need to begin using Nicotine gum at the time you usually smoke your first cigarette during the day. Although Nicotine gum is a quit-smoking aid, it is not a long term solution. That is because Nicotine gum makes the process of quitting smoking easier and smoother for you to undergo as it fights your addiction to cigarette smoking. This being its purpose. Remember, while you are using Nicotine gum, a supply of Nicotine is delivered into your bloodstream. Hence, if you continue using Nicotine gum for an unlimited or unspecified period of time then you will be unable to break the physical addiction to Nicotine.
Instead of doing this, you need to gradually wean yourself off the Nicotine gum after a specified time. Since both your mind as well as your body starts habituating itself to becoming smoke-free. When you begin to use Nicotine gum, you should be mindful and keep track of the dates and also follow the schedule put forth.
During weeks 1-6, chew one piece of gum every 1-2 hours. Further, during weeks 7-9, chew one piece of gum every 2-4 hours. Lastly, chew one piece of gum every 4-8 hours, during weeks 10-12.
NOTE: You shouldn’t use Nicotine gum for more than 12 weeks as it is not designed for prolonged use. Despite following this schedule, after the 12-week mark, if you find yourself struggling with nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Then consider seeking help from a medical professional. But don’t continue usage.
A nicotine patch is a transdermal patch that is creatively designed to help people quit smoking. For those of you who are not familiar with the term transdermal, here is what it means. When the nicotine patch is applied, it delivers a specific amount of nicotine through the skin and into the bloodstream. Hence, it is transdermal and nicotine patches are one of the forms of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT).
Although all the Nicotine Replacement Therapies deliver Nicotine to the brain at a slower rate compared to cigarettes. The release of nicotine is the slowest from patches. Unlike some products that deliver a ‘quick hit’ of Nicotine. Nicotine patches are specially designed to provide a steady supply of Nicotine to the body throughout the day.
Making use of Nicotine Replacement Therapies (NRT) is a lot easier if you are considering a quit smoking attempt. Despite the fact that NRTs only address the physical aspect of your smoking habit, they can remarkably reduce cigarette cravings and nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Therefore, reducing your chances of getting tempted. Note that, tackling the behavioural side of things is your job. Nicotine patches are beneficial and ideal for all those who want to address the withdrawal symptoms in a more discreet manner. That’s because nicotine patches can be applied to an area on your skin that can be left hidden under your clothes.
So, nobody will know that you’re using it. Moreover, you can leave it there for the entire day without any hassle. Apply it in the morning and simply leave it there on your body. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about carrying anything around with you wherever you go. Also, you don’t have to use it actively throughout the day, unlike lozenges, nicotine gums or nasal sprays. Further, it aids with the psychological as well as the physical aspect of your cravings. Thus, ensuring a steady supply of nicotine to your body. Last but not the least, a nicotine patch is the best alternative for those who dislike the taste of oral NRTs.
As you have seen, a nicotine patch resembles a bandage or a large plaster. Well, the outer part of the nicotine patch sticks to your skin and holds the patch in place as it contains an adhesive. On the other hand, the inner part contains Nicotine which is why it is pressed close to the skin to release and deliver nicotine effectively. Always apply the patch to that skin area which contains a minimal amount of hair. For instance, your hip, upper arm or upper chest. Moreover, that particular skin area should be completely dry and clean before applying the patch. Next, once you remove the protective seal, simply apply the patch straight away.
Ensure you avoid touching the adhesive as much as possible. Once the patch is stuck to your skin, press it firmly for around 10 seconds so that it is completely flat and secure. Once you’re done doing this, wash your hands. Now incase the patch comes off or becomes loose, simply replace it with another patch. To change the nicotine patch, you need to peel it away from your skin. Then fold it into half and immediately dispose of. Note that you can’t apply a nicotine patch to the same area of skin for at least a week. You should apply it to a different area of skin and after a week you can get back to the same skin area.
All forms of NRT including Nicotine patches are not a long-term solution to your smoking habit. Therefore, you should reduce using these products over time. In general, using nicotine patches is recommended for 8-10 weeks. That too you should switch to a lower dose towards the end of the usage period. This is done to help you gradually wean yourself off nicotine. Besides knowing the duration for using the nicotine patch, you should also know what strength to choose. As a matter of fact, nicotine patches are available in 3 strengths.
Each of these is labelled according to the amount of nicotine that they supply over a 24-hour period. Hence, low strength is 7mg/24 hour, medium-strength is 4mg/24 hour and high strength is 1mg/24 hour. Note that the ideal nicotine patch strength for you is dependent upon the number of cigarettes that you usually smoke. In case you’re a chain smoker or even smoke more than 10 cigarettes each day, you should begin with a high strength nicotine patch. Generally, nicotine patches of medium strength are ideal for those who don’t smoke too much.
A Journey towards a Smoke-Free Life
No matter which nicotine replacement therapy you use, nicotine gum or nicotine patch. It is crucial to follow the directions appropriately and stay consistent throughout the program. As we have seen, individuals who smoke are at a higher risk of contracting COVID-19. Avoid negligence. You need to make up your mind to give up smoking and stick to your goal. Now that you know the difference between nicotine gum and patches, you know what’s best for you. So choose accordingly. With the best nicotine gum & patch available in UAE, you are just a step away from quitting smoking for good. Due to the ongoing pandemic, consider purchasing one of the best non-contact forehead thermometer. Also, you may want to keep a check on your blood pressure regularly.