25 Ways To Use A Steam Cleaner Mop
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If a chemical-free cleaning is what you are looking for, you’re at the right place. As we have a list of all the ways you can use your steam cleaner mop. Cleaning will have never been made this safe and easy before this. Have a look at all the things you can clean with your steam cleaner mop.
Related: Best Steam Cleaner Mop in UAE

Kitchen Uses
Even after you clean your area there are several germs and even bacteria that still remain back. This can be a health issue for you and your loved ones. Hence if you clean your area with a steam mop you can get rid of any germs which are living in your kitchen. Read on to know what all you can clean with your steam cleaner mop.
Kitchen appliances
Yes, that’s right you can use this device to clean your kitchen appliances. The area that surrounds your kitchen appliances as well as the area inside your appliance can be cleaned. Large appliances like your oven, dishwasher, refrigerator, and dryer. All can be cleaned easily especially those small nooks and crannies which are troublesome to clean. Just make sure you shut off the appliance and then use the steam cleaner.
Garbage Cans
Cleaning your trash can not only be troublesome but also a smelly task. Even if you use garbage bags or liners there is a good chance the can will still be yucky. But now this task just got a lot easier. Your steam cleaner mop will do the task for you getting rid of any germs and garbage leftovers. The heat and steam will sanitize and leave no sticky mess behind. All you would have to do before you steam clean is make sure you just wipe the can so you don’t stain or spoil the mopping pad.
Counters/ table tops
Considering your counters and your tabletop is the one surface that you used very frequently. This makes it all the more reason for you to clean and sanitize these areas thoroughly. Simply wiping those down won’t clean them in fact you can be spreading the dirt and germs around along with the rag you use. This is why a steam cleaner mop would be a handy device to disinfect these surfaces.
Stoves and range hoods
Cooking is an everyday task and this task can be messy at times as well. Having a few splashes and even oil spills while cooking is common. Therefore, your stovetop and even your range hood are evidence of all that. Since this is a matter of food you need to have a clean surrounding at all times. And your steam cleaner mop along with its attachments will help you with that.
Bathroom Cleaning
Having sparkling bathrooms can be a dream come true. Even if you do have a sparkling bathroom, who is to say it is properly disinfected and free from all germs, bacteria, fungus, and even mildew. After all your bathroom is a moist area which means it can catch all these problems much faster. This makes cleaning your bathroom much more difficult. Check out these ways you can use to clean your bathroom with a steam mop cleaner.
Porcelain Fixtures
Porcelain fixtures such as that of your toilet and sink are places which need to be disinfected thoroughly, but these are also the area which is the toughest to be cleaned. But if you use the steam cleaner mop to this area be the interior or the exterior of either of these fixtures the grime along with the steam will simply melt away. All you would have to do is wipe it off with a rag, all without extra elbow grease.
Floors and walls
Just like your bathroom fixtures, it can be hard to clean your bathroom floor and walls. But you don’t have to worry as you can use the same trick to clean your floor and walls from any grout as simply as you can clean the bathroom porcelain fixtures.
With time your faucet fixtures too accumulate grime and also the minerals collected from hard water. This too can need a lot of elbow grease, not if you have a steam cleaner mop though. This can be easily cleaned, just use a little vinegar and let it soak in for some time before you apply steam to the faucet. Although, you would need to use the steam cleaner brush attachment for this.
Shower curtains
If you have shower curtains, these too can be cleaned with just a little steam from your steam cleaner. Ridding it from fungus or bacteria which can grow from remaining damp. But make sure you wipe it out after steaming it or leave it to dry preferably outside the humid bathroom area.
Finally, if you have any glass be it in the form of a shower door or a mirror. Cleaning these can leave behind stains and also if you have any mineral build-up on these areas too can dull the glass even after you clean it. Therefore consider using your steam cleaner on these areas, it will remove all mineral build-up as well as leave no stains behind after every clean. Pro-tip: if you use a soft-bristle brush you can get rid of hard water stains easily too.
In The House
Here are a few ways you can use this device within your house. This is besides the obvious floor cleaning. Use these ways to clean your home with the steam cleaner mop to make your cleaning sessions much easier.
As you go around your home cleaning the floor you can make it a thorough clean by steam cleaning the baseboards too if you have any. All you would have to do is aim the steam mop towards the wall and have it be cleaned for you.
Ceiling fans
With time your ceiling fan blades collect dust as well which if not cleaned for a long time can have dust being thrown and spread around the room and air. You can avoid this by simply cleaning the fan with a steam cleaner mop which is much easier to do.
Be it pet toys or kids toys you can clean them both with the help of this steaming device. Especially your toddler’s toys which need to be clean at all times but be sticky and messy after they have been played with. Using different nozzles and attachments can make the whole cleaning process easier. Make sure you don’t use too much steam that can damage the battery or the interior mechanics of the toy. And have it wiped with a microfiber cloth after you are done steaming them.
Cleaning most filters with the help of a steam cleaner mop is effective. That is if the filter is reusable/ washable. If the filter is made of paper then you can’t get it steam cleaned. Simply take out the filter be it one for your window or the air conditioner and lay it on a clean rag and blast the steam onto it. After which you can wipe it down getting rid of all the remaining dirt.
When we say windows we don’t just mean the glass but also the window tracks (and door tracks/ casing). The glass smudges and fingerprints can be cleaned with the steam. As for the tracks, they collect dirt and gunk which is really difficult to clean and get all the dirt out. This is where you can get your steam cleaner mop into action and get it done easily.
If you want to get rid of any wallpaper or need to change the wallpaper then you can use this device. This is not just for the wallpaper but can be used to get rid of any adhesive stickers as well. Since the steam and the heat lossens and helps to peel of the sticker/ wallpaper easily.

Outdoor Cleaning
Your steam cleaner mop isn’t just for indoor cleaning. You can take it out and still make the best use of it. You will be surprised at just what the steam cleaner can clean, limiting the list of things it can’t do to almost a nil.
Garden Tools
Gardening can be a good pass time and even a relaxing task. Except when it comes to the time of cleaning up, more so the mud-caked tools. Getting this mud off can be hard, if it’s hardened onto any tools including your lawnmower. Steaming clean these tools and equipment can get off this mud and dirt leaving them sparkling clean.
Cooking grills
If you have an outdoor cooking grill, cleaning this with the help of a steam cleaner is very easy. Just simply use a semi abrasive brush tip from the cleaning attachments and clean all the grill grates. Along with the steam heat, all the grease and charred food pieces will loosen any build-up. Therefore, cleaning the grill and keeping it ready for the next time you wish to use it. Just be cautious so you don’t end up scratching the grill with the brush.
Cleaning every inch of your car has never been easier. Right from the car seats, to the car’s interior and the engine, not to forget the tires and rims as well. Did you or your kids spill some juice or a food item in your car staining the seat padding, don’t worry use the steam cleaner. Have sticky leftovers or handprints of grime on the interior door handles or in the cup holder; steam clean it. Want to have a fast and thorough clean of the car’s engine; have it steam cleaned. Cleaning the nooks and crannies of your car rims or tires itself; you know it, yes, get your steam cleaner to do the job. As a matter of fact, you can clean the windows inside out as well with this device. All without the use of any hard chemical and elbow grease.
Outdoor furniture
Leaving your outdoor furniture in the open makes it collect all sorts of dirt, dust and come in contact with other outdoor elements. All this leaves these pieces of furniture dull and difficult to clean. And your steam cleaner can help with that. Getting rid of all these and enabling you to reach every small area and edge. This will leave you with furniture looking brand new after every clean.
Bikes have so many small spots where dirt and dust can collect. You can simply speed up the cleaning process with the help of the small brush tip attached to the steam cleaner and wipe it off after it loosens up. Now you can let your children play with their bikes even in the mud as you can get them cleaned easily.
Fabric Cleaning
To have a quick and easy clean-up around your house with fabrics this steam cleaner device is here. So now you don’t have to work hard but simply work smart. Although cleaning of fabric is not limited to this list but also any other fabric including fabric wall hangings.
Upholstered furniture
Cleaning your upholstered furniture can be a pain. Especially when this fabric can’t be removed or is difficult to separate from the furniture. Because of the difficulty, these items tend to be overlooked and skipped over while cleaning. But you need to know that you can clean and get rid of stains, grime, bacteria, and even body oils or sweat with the help of your steam cleaner mop. Since it doesn’t use too much water and will not damage your furniture. Furthermore, you won’t be left with watermarks as well. If you are a bit skeptical of the working, you can first try it on a small area where it won’t be visible before steam cleaning the whole upholstered furniture.
Your bedding might be a prey of bed bugs, dust, and other allergen-causing matter, which needs to be cleaned out in order to prevent you from getting sick. With your steam cleaner mop, you can clean not just your mattress but also your quilts, comforters, and pillows. All these daily used beddings which aren’t possible to be washed daily can now be cleaned daily.
Pet beds and crates
Just like how you can clean your bed and disinfect it. Similarly, you can clean your pet’s bed and crates. With the help of the various attachments, you can reach and clean all the areas of the crate. And the heat concentration can help get rid of any stains or stench lingering around as well from the crate as well as the bed. Not to mention, you can get rid of any fleas or eggs with this device too.
Getting your curtains and drapes down frequently to clean them can be a troublesome task. But now this has been made easier as you can simply use the steam cleaner mop not just clean but also to iron the wrinkles away before you are to have guests in your home. If there are any stains the steam cleaner is really good at breaking down the stain and removing them. Making your curtains seem brand new in no time.
Carpets and Rugs
Carpets and rugs since they always on your floor and have you walking over them frequently tend to get dirty and even stained really fast. This makes the need to clean them more frequently all the more. You can try getting rid of stains from your rug or carpet with the help of a steam cleaner. Just hold another clean cloth or rag on the opposite side that you are steaming the carpet and the stains transfer right off. Cleaning your carpet is quite effective But if you really want overall thorough cleaning you might have to opt for a carpet cleaning machine.

Clean Just About Anything in No Time
This is a big list of ways you can use your steam cleaner mop. But do not be mistaken there are several more things which can be covered with this device which you can find and clean. Just keep your eyes peeled for any surface which can withstand a little steam and needs to be cleaned and you will have a lot more to disinfect and clean with this device. Although if you do not have a steam cleaner mop you can purchase yours here: the best steam cleaner mop in UAE.